Banducci & Evenson
Supplying California timber, primarily redwood and Douglas-fir, reclaimed from sawmills, warehouses, and industrial buildings. http://www.oldgrowthtimbers.com
Brian Lee Custom Doors and Sash
Mendocino Doors values craftsmanship and design while utilizing fine woods in the construction of exceptional custom doors. http://www.mendocinodoors.com
Design Shoji
Custom shoji panels for sliding doors, window coverings, and interior partitions. http://www.designshoji.com
Mendocino Woodworkers
Collective of furnituremakers, cabinetmakers, builders, designers, and woodworkers in Mendocino County. http://www.mendocinowoodworking.com
Mer-Kote Products, Inc.
manufacturing waterproofing and underlayment products for ceramic tile and stone installations. http://www.merkote.com
Manufactures of marine, railroad, RV, and bus microflush low flow toilets and heads, faucets, sanitation systems, micro-cool refrigerators, and ice boxes. Custom manufacturing available. http://www.microphor.com
Offering images and information about a range of towers. Engineered plans also available. http://www.water-towers.com