Battery Savers
Offers energy efficient flashlights. Mail Order. http://big-dave.com/
Black Out Candles
Candles for blackouts and other emergencies. Also includes self-contained emergency lamps, water filters, and emergency hand cranked flashlights. http://www.weboutsourcing.com/
Features Petromax multi-fuel lanterns. Also includes stoves and accessories. http://www.petromax.com/
Flashlights by Battery Savers Inc
Energy and battery saving flashlights that last for over seven days on a single set of batteries. Unique features include motion-activation and auto-off http://www.batterysavers.com/
Flashlights Inc
Offers a variety of rechargeable and standard flashlights. http://www.flashlights.com/
GW Industries
Environmentally friendly radio lanterns and accessories that generate electricity from wasted heat. http://www.radiolantern.com/