Absolutely Feng Shui
learn Feng Shui theories and its practical applications for home and office. Includes newsletter. http://www.absolutelyfengshui.com/
All World Exploration
offering group tours to international locations led by Feng Shui teachers and masters. http://www.fengshuitours.com/
Alluminare Lighting
develops lighting for homes, offices, and spa environments. http://www.alluminare.com/
Chinese Feng Shui Consultancy
practice of harnessing the natural forces of nature, to promote prosperity, harmony and vitality. http://www.chinesefengshui.com/
CP Lim Master Geomancer
offers consultancy services, publications, news, and lecture series. http://www.geomancer.net/
Creative Transformation
consults and teaches transformation with space clearing and feng shui. http://www.vivianechen.com/
Divine Order
specializing in individual Feng Shui consultations for the home and office, group lectures, and workshops. http://www.divineorder.net/
corporate and residential feng shui and bau-biologie services, creating healthy and productive surroundings. Also offers workshops and classes. http://www.elegantbank.com/
Feng Shui Consulting
offers consultation services, products, and more. http://www.fengshuiconsulting.com/
Feng Shui Creations
personal consultations provided by Elizabeth Johnson. http://www.fengshuicreations.com/
Feng Shui Guild
promoting the use, practice and teaching of feng shui. http://www.fengshuiguild.com/
Feng Shui News
articles and news dedicated to the study and practice of Traditional Feng Shui. http://www.fengshuinews.com/
Fengshui Help
basic concepts, tips, and an FAQ. http://www.fengshuihelp.com/
L&W Developments
also provides feng shui consultation. http://www.feng-shui-realestate.com/
The Feng Shui Advantage
consults on existing structures and project land development for residential or commercial properties nationwide. http://www.fengshuiadvantage.com/