American Crescent Elevator Mfg., Corp.
Manufacturer for commercial, freight, and residential hydraulic elevators. Contains product information, brochures, and distributors. http://www.americancrescent.com/
Champion Elevators Inc.
Manufacturer of rack and pinion elevators and work platforms. Includes product information, applications, advantages, and services. http://www.championelevators.com/
Directory of elevator product and service providers. http://www.elevators.com/
Gillespie Corporation
Manufacturing, design, and construction of sidewalk, pitless, hydraulic, and passenger elevators. Includes product descriptions and technical drawings. http://www.gillespiecorp.com/
Kinetic Elevators Ltd.
Manufactures, maintains, and modernizes elevators. Contains profile, products, services, and safety precautions. http://www.kineticelevators.com/